Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dr. Watson isn't quite so dear

So, it would seem that winning a Nobel prize doesn't wipe away racial prejudice. Sadly, Dr. James Watson (you may recall from high school Biology that Watson was a co-winner in 1962 with Francis Crick for deciphering the double-helix pattern of DNA ) felt the world would be much improved if he were to opine on intelligence and "racial" differences. Among the bon mots he shared on people of colour:

“All our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing says not really.”

I refuse to sully my blog with more of his reprehensible tripe - for more of a blow by blow, along with his half-baked apology, you know what to do. Just click here.

I'm just happy he was suspended from his duties at the Cold Springs Harbour Laboratory. What a boor!

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